New Year: The Letter
I recently discovered my first gray hairs. It was truly a sincere sensation. I was minding my own business, brushing my teeth in the bathroom, and suddenly, checking my face in the mirror, there they were. On the temples, on both sides, like sideburns from hell. I looked like Clark Cable. Oh my GOD, I thought, spat out the toothpaste and almost hit my nose on the surface, getting a closer look. Undeniable grays. What? The shattering, harsh reality of aging had finally caught up with me. The fact that I wear my hair short only underlined the horrendous sight in the mirror; I couldn’t even hide the strays underneath my flaming locks of auburn hair, like Jolene. What the hell was going on? Grays? Already? I hadn’t even done anything yet! I had lived my life the way many people born in the late Seventies had: biding my time, daydreaming the years away like the in-betweeners we were, always telling people that one day, when I grew up, I would be a writer. One day. And I had no one ...