Monkey Monkey Underpants Christmas
I made a Christmas pact with myself this year: no Gilmore Girls until after I return to work before New Year’s. I was discussing it with my friend J. on the phone just the other day, how I had ordered a whole bunch of movies I missed last year or the year before that on a bulk sale online, just to keep me happy and fat during the holidays. I swore I wouldn’t touch Netflix with a stick, since it belongs to the day-to-day routine of mine, and if I did touch it, it would involve going into the one room I did not Christmas clean, just for this exact purpose, to keep me out of it; the one room in my house that isn’t decorated for the holiday at hand, and yes, it would involve caving in the face of an overwhelming enticement: Gilmore Girls. You know I don’t need to watch it. I have seen it. A lot. So this year, since I am experimenting spending Christmas all by my lonesome, I will not surrender to my normal after-work routine, not even when there is no one there to tell on me if I did. ...