
Showing posts from December, 2018

Oh, Yarn

Greetings from what used to be Funkytown.  There have been a few inquiries as to what the hell is going on and why is it taking so long. While I find it both heart-warming - and somewhat unnerving – that, in the end, there are some precious lovelies out there who find these ever insightful and dare I say it ingenious stories amusing and forthcoming, I, for the first time in almost two years, am afraid I have been otherwise engaged. This is just a quick word. I must be back soon, because they know I am typing and not working, and I just know if I leave them alone long enough, they are bound to band together, and that is one mutiny I’d rather never see happen. The reason I have been occupied elsewhere for such a long time is that for some insane reason I had what at the time seemed like the idea of the century: to, after more than five years of not touching my needles, knit presents to my family and loved ones this year. Why I would succumb to such madness is anybod...