
Showing posts from 2021

The Attack

When it happened to Mimou, she was seventeen. She was so perplexed and stunned when it went down, that she felt later she had not sufficiently opposed, and wondered for years if she could have fought him off instead of the pathetic attempts of a surprised school girl's feeble verbal nos. Yet at the same time she was full of childish astonishment and wonder: was that the way it was done, was that – abyss - what being an adult was all about? Did everyone else go through it, too? Was being with a man like that, forced, a secret rite of passage? She was stupid. Afterwards, she never told anyone except Peri, and even then she would not use the actual word for it. She wouldn’t use it for another twenty years. The guy was flamboyant and suave, he wore a striped jacket, had carefully disheveled hair with too much gel in it. He had a gap between his front teeth. He wrote her a poem on a piece of napkin. He went to an extremely prestigious and hard-to-get-in art school. Ten years later, a mo...

Pussywillow presents:

Finally, we are bringing these unique stories of the macabre and erotica to you! Stay tuned & learn more very soon! Love Desire Rapture, Tuija Photocredit for contemporary Pussywillow picture: Markus Määttänen. Pussywillow in period clothing by Tiina Rikala.

Intermittent Transmissions

  Watch the video  on   @mrsdallowayshiddentreasures I was standing at the counter of my local record store, basically monopolizing the entire table as well as the attention of my favorite salesperson. He is my peer and has manned the counter for as long as I have been shopping there, so we practically have the same profession. He also has the whole High Fidelity-Rob Gordon-Championship Vinyl Owner -vibe about him, without the superiority complex or the raging fits, that I know of, and since Nick Hornby’s modern classic is one of my favorite books, I always look for signs that the story in the book is all true, and therefore notice such things. I had come down to check out birthday gift possibilities for my girl Roberts, and let’s face it, when at a record store, you don’t just get the one record and leave. So, the man was doing his best to help me out. “So, I mean what do you have in CD format?” “Oh, I have a bunch of stuff here, in the Used section. Let’s see now.” I wa...