It Was a Birthday
I put on my fancy
black skirt, the ankle-length billowing thing
with golden stripes
all over
my large chessboard pattern ear studs
and a simple white collared shirt I didn’t
because I hate ironing
and I don’t mind some wrinkles
but it’s not that bad.
At the café the sun yellows the whole
pouring through the windows the morning
final days of summer in Finland
the marble tabletop cluttered with
debris from our grand breakfast
consisting of fresh pineapple chunks
pumpkin seeds and strawberry jam
cucumbers sliced thick and oval
as if they were going someplace in a
watermelon and honeydew and different
and of course cake and bread baked with
but you don’t like raisins in a bread
I take some, though, to celebrate.
We are drinking our third cup of coffee
I think about the small humorous note
on display at my workplace with Darth
and the words “Come to the Dark Side, We
Have Coffee”
I have my journal you are reading
Sam Shepard’s plays
because he died and
that makes you sad.
It is your birthday but
I have always been a terrible cake baker
I am a fabulous eater, though, and today
I am treating you to a fancy breakfast
wearing my fancy black skirt, the ankle-length
billowing thing
with golden stripes all over
there is some prosecco waiting for us
back home, cooling in the fridge
and while we are driving I touch your
beard under your chin
I put on some music
Regina’s Paras aika vuodesta
it’s about August
I caress your right ear the way I do
when we are driving
and tell you happy birthday.
The sky is blue some clouds but the sun
is out the sun is out
it is a warm morning
kesän taittuessa vähitellen syksyksi/as summer slowly dissolves into fall
the lake sparkles and the yellow August
light is inside the car
if you shut down the news
you might even say it’s a wonderful day.
Words in italics from Paras aika vuodesta, by Regina, lyrics by Iisa Pykäri; translation is mine.
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