Kätketyt aarteet viimein julki ♡ Hidden Treasures Finally Revealed

Mrs. Dalloway’s Hidden Treasures on kokoelma eroottisia kertomuksia. | ENGLISH? SCROLL DOWN, PLEASE | Tarinat tapahtuvat pääosin samassa kertomusuniversumissa, ja niistä osa sisältää jännitys- tai kauhuelementtejä. Mielikuvituksellisten, yliluonnollisten intohimonovellien vastapainoksi olen kirjoittanut yhtä monta realistista tarinaa, joissa maistellaan, koetaan, tunnetaan, kuunnellaan, haistetaan ja eletään erilaisia rakkauskohtauksia ja impressioita, joihin voi uppoutua hetkeksi halutessaan eläytyä kaltaistemme naisten salaisiin, sisimpiin haaveisiin ja haluihin.

Teille, jotka tunnette entuudestaan tapani kirjoittaa, rakkauden ja kauhun pyhä liitto lienee jo konseptina tutuhko, ja toivotankin teidät lämpimästi ellei suorastaan kuumasti tervetulleeksi tutustumaan novellieni upeiden naisten fantasiamaailmaan. Uudet lukijat: tervetuloa mukaani aisteja hivelevälle, hetkittäin oudollekin, matkalle intohimon moninaisiin ilmenemismuotoihin.

Olen sitonut jokaisen novellin käsin, ja rakentanut erilaisen kannen jokaiseen, eli kahta täysin samanlaista esinettä ei ole olemassa. Jokainen kappale on myös numeroitu, ja kannet tarroitettu kiinni, jolloin vain sinä pääset lukemaan tarinan, kun hetki on sopiva.

Saatavilla on kahdeksan erilaista kertomusta. Kirjoituskieli on pääasiallisesti englanti, mutta joukossa löydät myös kaksi suomeksi kirjoitettua harvinaisuutta.

Koska tekstit ovat käytännössä sinetöityjä, kunnes ne avataan, luonnehdin seuraavassa muutamalla sanalla saatavilla olevien tarinoiden lähtöasetelmia. Mitä sen jälkeen tapahtuu, jääköön suljettujen ovien taakse, kunnes pääset rauhassa sukeltamaan sisälle kertomukseen.



Ghost in the Machine | Mrs. Dalloway cannot get over how the house seems to be breathing all around her. The constructor, whom Mr. Dalloway hired to do the alterations in their house, seems to have left traces of himself everywhere. The walls, the railings, the pipes, everything around her keeps whispering in her ear, and she feels connected to the rooms; wired, haunted by the very mention him.


Billie Holiday (The Garden Party) | First installment in the DIFFERENT SEASONS story collection. It is summer. Frances is being dragged into a garden party thrown by an estranged best friend of her youth. The surroundings are just as she remembers, only she is not a young woman anymore, and would rather not pretend to have a good time with a bunch of people to whom she has nothing to say  – until she finds out there is someone else on the guestlist, a hidden memory, a face she has never forgotten, a name forever tattooed in her mind.


Tuulensuu | Odottaminen on pahinta. Entä jos mies ei saavukaan? Kuinka ahdistavia nämä vaatteet, kuinka vähän happea ilmassa, kuinka vääristyneitä äänet ympärilläni - ja kuinka koko huone räjähtää, kun lopulta näen hänet. Softcore.


Chloe in the Afternoon | First story in the CHLOE IN PARIS series. August, the hottest month in the capital. Chloe has the day all to herself and decides to treat herself to some new clothes. She wanders into a thrift shop and, by chance, finds the perfect silk dress. In the tiny fitting room, as she marvels at how well the garment fits her, she notices someone notice her, someone, who in fact has been looking all along.


The Diamond Necklace | An installment in the NIGHTMARES AT THE HANGING ROCK collection. A fantasy tale set at the beginning of time, when the hamlet was but a large magical forest. A nameless protagonist is forced to go into hiding and meets an enchantress on the way. There is an instant connection, a recognition, a desire, a moment of solace – but also the real threat of a violent death. LGTB interest.


Riding the Chaste Moon | Another story from the NIGHTMARES. During an outbreak of a deadly killer virus ravaging the village, a well-respected housewife of a prominent newspaperman confesses her dark secret in a series of letters to her secret lover. The invisible enemy is not the only one the town folk is facing. Monsters are real, and she is one of them. LGTB interest.


Minä olen pimeys | Nainen käy mielessään läpi kauan haaveilemansa ja viimein toteutuneen intohimoisen yön jälkiseurauksia.  Unohtumatonta rakkauden yötä seuraava tyly torjunta syöksee hänet epätoivoiseen surun ja nöyryytyksen tunnemyrskyyn, jopa raivoon. Tarina on osa laajempaa NIGHTMARES AT THE HANGING ROCK kertomuspolkua.


Heresy (Wide Open to Let the Insects in) | When it gets dark, the monster suddenly appears, and brushes against her, on her walk. She takes off running, the creature follows.  What does it want? What is it? She seems defenseless, helpless. But there is more to Clarissa than meets the naked eye.  Continuing the NIGHTMARES series.


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Rakkaudella, Tuija



Mrs. Dalloway’s Hidden Treasures is a collection of erotic short stories. The stories take place mainly in one holistic diegetic universe, and some of them contain elements of suspense and horror. To balance things out, in addition to the fantastic, supernatural passion tales, I have written as many realistic stories about ordinary, everyday women like us in heated scenes of love and desire, so you can immerse yourself and forget your daily woes a little through a thick sensual veil of scenery and scent, of sonic, visual and emotional stimulation, designed to arouse your taste buds and sense of feel, and live out some of these rapturous experiences and secret desires.


For those of you already familiar with my writing style, the magical union between love and horror will come as no surprise, and I welcome you with open arms, and perhaps a lingering, meaningful stare, into the fantasy life of the lovely women in my stories. New readers, come with me and take a stroll in the wild and sensual, and let me be your guide on this lovely, rhapsodic, and sometimes strange, journey. Come away with me.


Each story is numbered and bound by hand, and the look and feel of every booklet is crafted in a different way so that each one is a unique piece of work. The pages are held shut by a sticker to ensure privacy and as a withhold until the moment to do a little recreational reading is convenient for you.


You can choose from eight different stories. Because the pages are sealed and there is no way for you to leaf through them to help make up your mind on what to get, I have shortly characterized the premise of each one above.


Interested? DM me for more information.




With love, Tuija


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